UNSEALED - World News | Christian News | Prophecy Updates: Prophetic Storm: Jerusalem Declaration

UNSEALED - World News | Christian News | Prophecy Updates: Prophetic Storm: Jerusalem Declaration:   Yesterday President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid, both of whom support dividing Israel, signed "the Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic...
Today our ministry turns 12 years old. It began on July 15th of 2010. Every prophetic convergence we've witnessed these past 12 years pales in comparison to this one, yet we are still here because God is graciously patient, not wanting any to perish (2 Pt. 3:8–9). But many refuse to be saved. Through Jesus Christ God offers total forgiveness, sonship, eternal life, and treasures far beyond all that this world has to offer. Don't forfeit all of this for a bowl of stew as Esau did. Don't cling to pride and unbelief when God offers you everything—even His very self. Believe.


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