Quando a mão do poder escorrega para
tiques autocráticos,
(cheira-me ao século XXI Português!)
quando as luminárias do Rumo certo
não suportam contestação,
estamos perante a emergência daquilo a que chamarei fast-politik:
decisões virtiginosas contra o cidadão
açaimes-código deontológico dos Jornalistas
a componente parlamentar/negocial da democracia representativa
minimiza-se até ao ridículo mais formalístico e ritual,
(a crise está instalada e a saída há-de ser a blogodemocracia directa!);
a contestação de rua e de blogue
reprime-se e intimida-se;
as liberdades e garantias
anunciam-se num amplo sorriso gestual e vocalisticamente castrato,
mas a pouco e pouco,
mais futebol menos futebol,
mais Concurso TV menos Concurso TV,
mais novela menos novela,
deixam calamitosamente de ser praticadas.
Qual é a arma do silêncio?
Pode ser o tacho de que se beneficia político-partidariamente garantido
pois isso dá muita afonia.
Pode ser agora o QREN, essa megatoneuroarma
que pode comprar e fabricar calados-como-ratos
por calar bem fundo nos bolsos forrados!
Tudo isto é triste.
Tudo isto existe.
Tudo isto é fast-politik!


MoniQueen said…
Hi Joshua! Thanks for visiting La Corotera and invite me to come to your place! It is true that images talk by itself... that's why it is said that one image is more worth than thousend words!

As I speak Spanish I can read some portuguese but it doesn't mean that it is easy to me at all! Anyway I will come from time to time to see your images and try to do some reading! By the way, I didn't find any translator link in the blog!
hi Joshua,

I am so happy to drop this comment on your blog being that I don't understand a word in portuguese.
nice pics and very poerful messages you send through your blog.

Luv your art works.
david santos said…
Quem não deixar crescer as crianças será sempre pequeno.

Bom fim-de-semana
pinguinofrog said…
hola soy pinguinofrog gracias por visitar mi blog Esta clase de propaganda

El tuyo me parece muy bueno, aunque no se leer muy bien portugues...

estaremos en contacto
Hi. Well, look, I can't read Portuguese, so I don't know what to say. Anyway, blog on!!!
Unknown said…
Hi Joshua,

thanks for visiting mine blog.
Be certain that I will come back more times here, to read its interesting critical chronicles!

I hug fou you! ;]
Anonymous said…
Hi Joshua! Thanks for visiting!!!! Você devia ter deixado seu comentario em portugues :P
Um ótimo fim de semana e apareça sempre!!! Estarei sempre por aqui. Já vi uma imagem linda que levarei para meu blog!!!!

FishHawk said…
Hey Joshua,
Thank you for your encouraging words about my blog: "AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles". I was wondering if anyone had found it yet.
Your blog is incredible; and I do believe that much of what you say is correct. For I am deeply ashamed of my country (U.S.A.); and I really don't see much changing very soon, not even with the election of a new president in 2008.
Anyway: if you would like to send an e-mail unto me, please feel free to do so at; and I will try to return the honor as soon as possible.
guillaume said…
Joshua a dit...

You must not feel obliged to come and visit me. An invitation is not an intimation. Also know that if you click on one of my ads I'm promised to earn 8 cents for that: I would feel happy if you did click it, but once again you're totaly free to do what ever you want. That's the whole beauty of it all.

So my blog is there, and ypou can see a lot of photo from France :

Thanks a lot for your visit.

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