Aparentemente, para os detractores de Obama, para além de tudo o que se possa pensar, a situação global na AIG prefigura a lógica geral do sistema norte-americano e da própria Administração que a nacionalizou. Nada como a saborosa e corrosiva ironia dos imensos cartoons! «Geithner says AIG, which the government effectively took over last fall, is a good example of how difficult nationalization is today. "The government took 80 percent of the thing as a condition for initial intervention. They replaced management, changed the composition of the board — they might call that nationalization. We did that because they couldn't operate. They were on the brink of default. Look at what's happened. They've had the [healthy aspects of their] business bleed away." At the same time, senior Treasury and Fed officials concede they may still have to make substantial investments in a couple of major banks when the "stress tests" are completed sometime in April. But that won't mean "nationalization." "You can't solve it that way," says Geithner.» The Education of Timothy Geithner, by Michael Hirsh, Newsweek.
Vira o disco e toca o mesmo. Não me parece que as mudanças sejam substanciais.