'Homenagem' ao blogue A VIDA BREVE...

E à Caixa de Pandora:

«Feijãozinho sem rosto»?
O caralhinho!

Há toda uma mundividência seca por detrás de certas frases
que nunca poderemos esquecer,
ainda que não tenham passado de provocatórios
tiros esfumados de campanha:
é a gloriosa esquerdice de pensar-se do lado certo da 'modernidade',
quando se está só, como aqui bem se escreve,
do lado obeso e obtuso.


Vundisa said…
Hi Joshua,

I'm glad you came across my blog. Thank you also for the kind words about it. I think your blog is cool too (even though I cant read the language) - I like the photos, they really make it come alive! It seems you've been at it forever... so many postings! I will try to use the translater so that I can read your words, I'm sure they're as interesting as the whole thing looks.
Vundisa said…
Well I'm glad you came across my blog. And thanks for the kind words about it. I think yours is cool too. The photos really make it come alive! I'll make use of the translater so that I will be able to read the words - I'm sure they're as interesting as the whole thing looks.

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