Abro todos os dias as janelas do pasmo.
Procuro a noite onde ela é mais noite
e a Via Láctea se me mostra fecundada de vida,
grande desova de luz,
recife-australiano-de-coral imenso,
que, a uma dada lua cheia anual qualquer,
barreira ilimitada de vida sem estrema,
se desata e sincroniza em seminações admiráveis,
por leitosas águas.
Nesse momento, o meu coração é Roça
donde todo o Céu se avista.


Weinmaster said…
Thank you for the visit in my blog.
I have difficulties in any forign languages but I see the languages of pictures. Your blog containes many of the good photograps and any kind of pictures and I think also containes lot of valuable reflections.
My World said…
It's unfortunate for me that I can't speak the your language. The
gentleman above this comment said it all... It's the pictures we understand...

Interesting site..

Thank you,

My World......... :)
Angela Ursa said…
Joshua, linda a imagem do coração é roça! Parabéns pelo poema! Beijos da Ursa :))
M said…
Hi Joshua,

thanks for commenting.

Blogs have the potential to be and are a synthesis of the arts, all embracing "Gesamtkunstwerke" and maybe the only factor nowadays which is bringing humanity closer together than all fake globalisation politics ever could. That's why blogspot is one of the first sites to get censored in a "1984" regime as China. There is more to blogging than meets the eye for sure.

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